Activities Parents Portal

Welcome to
Beacon Academy

Step into a world of endless possibilities. Welcome to Beacon Academy, where dreams take flight!

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Why Choose Beacon Academy

Beacon Academy prides itself on offering a well-rounded education that goes beyond traditional academic subjects. The school places a strong emphasis on character development, leadership skills, and community engagement, nurturing students to become not just academically accomplished individuals, but also compassionate and responsible global citizens.

About Us


Why Choose Beacon Academy

Beacon Academy prides itself on offering a well-rounded education that goes beyond traditional academic subjects. The school places a strong emphasis on character development, leadership skills, and community engagement, nurturing students to become not just academically accomplished individuals, but also compassionate and responsible global citizens.

About Us

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Our Programmes

We offer a wide range of programs designed to provide our students with a well-rounded education and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for success.

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Sport and Activites

Sports & Activities

We believe in the importance of a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom. We offer a diverse range of sports and extracurricular activities to cater to our students' varied interests and talents.

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Sport and Activites

Creativity & Innovation

We foster a culture of creativity and innovation, recognizing the importance of these skills in preparing students for future challenges.

Sport and Activites

Outdoor Programmes

We offer a variety of outdoor programs that provide our students with unique learning experiences outside the traditional classroom setting.

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Sport and Activites

Foundation Programme

Our foundation programs are designed to provide students with a solid academic and personal grounding to ensure their success in higher levels of education.

News and Events

Beacon Academy, a renowned educational institution known for its commitment to excellence and holistic development, has been bustling with a multitude of recent activities that have further solidified its reputation as a beacon of learning and innovation.


Beacon Art Exhibition Programme

14 march 2019


Beacon Art Exhibition Programme

14 march 2019


Beacon Art Exhibition Programme

14 march 2019


Shaping The Future Here

With a visionary approach to education, Beacon Academy goes beyond conventional teaching methods, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. It fosters a holistic learning environment that cultivates not only intellectual growth but also emotional intelligence, social awareness, and ethical values.

Enquire For More

Fill in the details to know more about your school and further the admission process.

Contact Us

For admission request contact

Ms. Alexandra Lie

For admission request contact

Ms. Inge Pupella